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Site Version: 1.0.0
Last Updated: 2020/12/29 v3.0.0 - A well-needed refresh
Sunday, August 18, 2019

I have been a TA at University for around 3 years. From the very beginning, I made a website that serves as a 24/7 resource for students in courses I TA for. It contains lab hints, grading guides, files of code, etc that I write whenever I teach lab sections or host office hours.

However, the layout of the page has dated quite a bit since I first wrote it. Maybe it's time to give it a refresh? Sure! Why not!?

Introducing PENDUAL (In the event that this name choice isn't obvious...), a dual-theme setup consisting of a Light and (finally) a Dark theme! This isn't all I've changed though...

Version 3.0.0 Changelog:

New Features

The following are new features to the site:

Changed/Improved Features

The following changes/improvements have been made to the site:

Removed Features

The following have been removed from the site:

Guide Adjustments

The following guides have been modified to account for new features:

So what's next to come? I'm not sure. I do plan to implement an AMOLED theme but we'll see. ;)

Clara Nguyễn
Hi! I am a Vietnamese/Italian mix with a Master's Degree in Computer Science from UTK. I have been programming since I was 6 and love to write apps and tools to make people's lives easier. I also love to do photography and media production. Nice to meet you!

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